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The road less travelled by?

By now, I'm quite sure that no one is going to reading this. Not because there is no time; on the contrary, there is a lot, but apparently none to spare. People are more content to sit with their noses buried in the latest technology while their brains are securely locked away in a place far, far away.

Again, I can only talk about people I'm exposed to. People I'm surrounded by tend to belong to opposite ends of the spectrum; some chasing after hard facts and scientific learning, checking off milestone after milestone in their forty-year plans; while the rest are quite content to just exist, floating along, never feeling the need to explore anything outside of prospective dining options.

I'm stuck in between, caught in a dream, wondering about how my life reached such a crossroads; one that I do not want to face; not because I can't choose, but because I know what I want to choose and what I have to are two very different things. If given the ability, I would do both with equal gusto; but born with the limitations of a human being, added to the other limitations in the form of cultural, religious, gender-based discriminations, it is clear what I must do.

Don't get me wrong, this is not a 'Two roads diverged in a yellow wood' kind of question. My heart is definitely in the path I am expected to choose, for it was I who laid the groundwork to begin with. What I did not realize was that I was not laying down a path, but the exact crossroads that I was dreading, and I have a strong feeling it was cause and effect.

I don't know which one is 'less travelled by', and even if I did, how would that make this easier?